
Founding of George Paynter’s joinery works in Sydney.
Established strong reputation for quality buildings. First of its kind to have an in-house team of artisans, masons and joiners.

Revolutionised the building industry by introducing the concept of incorporating all the disciplines of a building project into one competitive and cost-effective contract.
Our ‘total responsbility system’ that manages projects from concept to completion is widely adopted by the market as a solution to controlling the time, quality and cost of building.

Establishes new benchmarks in industrial construction including the building of Australia’s Þrst container terminal, a sonar acoustic test cell and an aluminum rolling mill.
Becomes the market leader in hospitality building.

Launches remediation specialist services business and education sectors.

Launches into the insurance sector and develops our specialist health, ageing, disbiility and retirementliving divisions.
Move into allied health sector.

Commence work in end-of-life community services such as crematoria and cemeteries.
Begin new chapter in our evolution by moving into new office at Rhodes.