Following the devastating flood of 2022, Paynter Dixon supported Lismore Workers Club with immediate makesafe repairs and eventual refurbishment.
Located in the town centre near Wilsons River, Lismore Workers Club’s largest venue experienced the full force of flood waters.
The ground level of the three-storey building was entirely submerged, with water levels peaking 4 metres into the first storey.
The scope of works included:
- New building façade with large windows on the Keen Steet entrance
- Reconfigured two-storey foyer for improved flood resilience, enabling relocation of reception in an emergency
- New dining and amenities, including a bar, bistro, pizza bar, kitchen and staff areas
- New indoor and outdoor gaming areas and dance floor
- Refurbished auditorium
The venue’s interior design subtly references the region’s waterways via the colour palette, carpet pattern, and decorate use of topographical motifs in signage.
Paynter Dixon first refurbished the venue in 2017.