
Strathearn Village RACF

A new model of care was delivered through strategic partnering, starting with Paynter Dixon’s master plan of the rural site. This paved the way for innovative construction methods which optimised quality while streamlining construction time.

Strathearn Village RACF engaged Paynter Dixon to master plan an aged care facility on an eight-hectare rural site at Scone in the Upper Hunter region of NSW.

The master plan focused on an integrated model of care, including a 204-bed retirement village, childcare centre and wellness centre. Our team was subsequently engaged to build the first stage of the facility – a 68-bed, two-storey residential aged care facility.

To achieve efficiency and cost savings for the client, the team utilised prefabricated ensuites. This innovative solution delivered an instant benefit for the client. It enabled the client to ‘touch and explore’ the bathroom before it was built on site. Within the controlled environment of the factory, a prototype of the bathroom layout was built – complete with every fixture and fitting that was to be used.

As a result, the most minute decisions were made ahead of construction. Bathroom pods were delivered to site and craned in during the construction process – meeting deadlines.