
110 Year Anniversary: long-term partnering with clubs and hospitality

July 31, 2024 | Hospitality

“How it all fits together to source ideas from other areas and practically apply them within the Australian market is one of the things we love about Paynter Dixon,” says Morgan Stewart, CEO of Workers Lifestyle Group (Blacktown Workers).

Over the years Paynter Dixon has become synonymous with hospitality and the club sector in NSW.  Our 40-year partnership with Workers Lifestyle Group (WLG) is testament to this commitment.

“The relationship speaks for itself. If it didn’t work we wouldn’t be in it,” says Morgan.

Our design and company has overseen a vast range of capital works projects, from successive venue renovations to sporting fields and stadiums.

“We have developed a high level of trust with WLG, and it’s something that you can only earn by delivering constantly,” says Nick Healey, General Manager of Design.

Now eyes are turned to the future and the development of seniors living. Watch our video below.